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2018年4月11日 星期三
Body Balance and Bunion Deformity
During walking body needs to balance itself from one foot during its stance phase to the other foot alternately. The ability to balance properly on one foot relies much on the normal function of big toe.
Why is big toe important for balance?
Big toe is not only the biggest but also more importantly strongest of all toes. We rely on our toes to lean forward and push against the ground for walking and prevent us from falling. Big toe may contribute up to 80% of all power required to do so. If big toe side of foot is weak due to the bunion condition, it may not be strong and reacting quick enough to prevent occasional sudden imbalance and fall. We need healthy big toes to maintain body balance especially for walking fast, on uneven ground and down the stairs or slopes.
How does bunion compromise body balance?
Bunion deformity destructs the power and stability of big toe. Thus bunion sufferers will find walking gradually becomes more difficult and tiring besides pain. Balance during the stance phase of walking will thus become poor and unsteady as bunion deformity worsens. Unexpected sudden falls can become a problem.
How do sufferers compensate for their compromised big toe function and ability to balance?
They will develop gradually more for a compensatory gait by shifting the body center of gravity backwards, away from the unreliable big toe, and walk slower. This altered gait is inefficient and tiring.
Can bunion surgery improve balance?
Absolutely, bunion surgery should be able to improve balance by restoring stability and function of big toes. The improved balance can especially be appreciated by young patients practicing yoga and also reduced falling tendency among elderlies. Syndesmosis procedure can improve balance because its ability to restore proper function of the big toe.
Reference information: http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/impaired-balance.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.
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