2018年10月11日 星期四


過去廿年來,超過1000個不同程度的個案中,吳醫生皆以非截手術方式來矯正,在最近800個個案有完整手術前後X-光照片電子及足部功能掃瞄記錄 (F-scan®)。超過80% 個案可恢復拇趾正常功能,而外觀結果皆以照片形式存檔。功能恢復的臨床效果可從患者術後的正常如跑步、跳舞和穿高跟鞋等活動證明出來。另一方面,功能得到 回復的表現也可從患者術後足繭或痛楚消失中顯示出來。為了把患者的足部功能回復結果客觀地記錄下來,所有本地患者必須作手術前後的功能掃瞄測試 (F-Scan®) 達兩年之久。

因為大拇趾承擔8 0%足部向前推動的動力,所 以拇趾在 F-Scan® 的測試中應顯示最大的壓力

在拇趾外翻的情況下,拇趾功能受到影響,在 測試中會顯示出低壓力(藍色),而受力的位置 卻向外轉移至前腳掌底部中間位置 (亦是這部 位常有足繭或痛楚的原因)

參考資料 www.bunioncenter.com

2018年9月13日 星期四


1. 據說拇趾外翻手術康復過程很痛及復原期長,是否屬實?


2. 可否雙腳一起進行手術?


3. 手術是否需要移植人工物料?


4. 有什麼可能的併發症?


5. 醫療保險是否保障拇趾外翻手術?


6. 如有需要,手術可否重複再做?


7. 手術過程需時多久?

8. 手術可否局部麻醉下進行?


參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com

2018年8月10日 星期五

治療拇趾外翻 韌帶聯合術效佳

【本報訊】長期穿高跟鞋及尖頭鞋,易令拇趾受壓變形外翻,致不少患者舉步維艱。本港三分之一女性患不同程度的拇趾外翻,現時治療方法主要是截骨手術,但術 後患者未必能完全行動自如。香港理工大學聯同一間診療中心研究發現,以非截骨方法治療,重建支撐趾骨的軟組織,創傷性較低,患者術後兩年拇趾活動能力有改 善。






理大生物醫學工程跨領域學部教授梁錦倫聯同骨科專科醫生吳彥,分析廿七名拇趾外翻患者接受韌帶聯合術後的康復情況。患者術前及術後 兩年進行足底壓力測試,結果顯示患者拇趾承受力改善,即拇趾「受力」比例由原本佔足部總壓力的百分之廿,上升至百分之卅五。

溜冰教練翟小姐早年患嚴重拇趾 外翻,無法穿溜冰鞋,幾乎要放棄事業。她早前接受韌帶聯合術,六個月後康復進展理想,消除拇趾外翻引起的痛楚。

吳彥 骨科專科醫生

參考資料:  http://orientaldaily.on.cc/

2018年7月12日 星期四


高跟鞋是女士的襯衫法寶,但長期穿尖 頭高跟鞋會使前足受壓,有機會令大腳趾外翻,由於大腳趾不能發力,患者步行時只能以腳跟力,像「企鵝」般左搖右擺,容易跌倒;長遠亦使腳掌、腰部及臀部關 節勞損,造成痛症。傳統折骨手術可改善外觀,但未必可恢復活動能力,新的韌帶聯合術則是將趾骨拉回原位,讓身體生出韌帶組織固定骨頭,成功率達九成,有患 者更可重新穿高跟鞋跳舞。

骨科專科醫生吳彥表示,大腳趾外翻的成因是由於連接大腳趾的第一蹠骨出現歪斜並偏離其他蹠骨,令拇指向外傾斜,腳掌內側會出 現凸出硬塊,形成「拇囊腫」。九成患者均為女性,多見於四十至五十歲,但由於該症與遺傳因素有關,故亦有八、九歲便大腳趾外翻的個案;女士常穿過窄高跟 鞋,令前足承受額外壓力,亦會加速發病。本港沒有大腳趾外翻的統計數字,美國研究則推算約百分之二人患有此症。

嚴重的大腳趾外翻,可傾斜至六、七十度,甚至近八十度,患者除感足部疼痛外,步行時大腳趾不能發力將身體向前推,要將力量集中於腳跟及腳掌 外側,並以「八字腳」保持平衡,「患者唔行得快,好似企鵝咁左搖右擺,坐低想起身時要用晒腳力,否則會向前跌。」患者的腳掌、腰、臀關節亦會磨損,引發肌 肉及關節痛。



新的韌帶聯合術屬低創傷治療,將歪斜的第一蹠骨拉直,並於第一及第二蹠骨之間造出缺口,再讓身體自行生出類似韌帶的組織,令蹠骨不再移位, 「好似比薩斜塔咁,傳統療法係打斷塔身再駁番正,新療法就好似搵鋼纜將成座塔拉番直。」至今有四百多名患者接受新療法,成功率達九成,患者可如常步行、運 動,「有女士甚至可高跟鞋跳舞,十年無翻發。

吳彥 骨科專科醫生

參考資料: 東方日報 

2018年6月13日 星期三

鄧麗欣拇趾外翻痛到喊 穿高踭鞋劇痛是警號



參考資料:  https://topick.hket.com/article/1964796/%E9%84%A7%E9%BA%97%E6%AC%A3%E6%8B%87%E8%B6%BE%E5%A4%96%E7%BF%BB%E7%97%9B%E5%88%B0%E5%96%8A%E3%80%80%E7%A9%BF%E9%AB%98%E8%B8%AD%E9%9E%8B%E5%8A%87%E7%97%9B%E6%98%AF%E8%AD%A6%E8%99%9F?mtc=10027

2018年5月16日 星期三










2018年4月13日 星期五

足部 - 大自然奇妙的創造




參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/

2018年4月12日 星期四

Bunionette and Bunion Deformity


It may be wrong but easy to blame the obvious. Bunionette is a perfect case in point. Most bunionettes are not at fault for its own pain but the bunion.

What is the bunionette (baby/tailor’s bunion)?

Bunionette is the bony prominence at the base of small toe from the opposite side of the bunion of big toe. The prominence is actually part of the normal anatomy of 5th metatarsal head. While bunion deformity is almost always abnormal, bunionette is mostly normal to the contrary of popular belief.

How would bunion contribute to bunionette pain?

Firstly, bunionette can only be painful in close-toe shoes that are either too narrow for a normal width forefoot or when the forefoot is too wide for regular shoes. Bunion increases the width of forefoot and thus tightness of regular shoes. Thus both bunion and bunionette would rub more against their side of close-toe shoes fighting for room. Therefore, bunionette is another victim of the bunion condition.

Another reason is the outer-side of a bunion foot has to bear abnormally more weight in walking due to function loss on the big toe side of a bunion foot.

Why would poor big toe function contribute to bunionette pain?

The big toe side of foot normally provides most (up to 80%) power for all foot activities. Bunion deformity impairs its function and inadvertently depends more on outer side of foot for walking. This would thus increase the pressure on bunionette against shoes and thus pain.

Should then bunion surgery also resolve bunionette pain?

Yes, an effective bunion surgery will not only narrow the forefoot significantly but also restore function of the big toe side of foot and thus spare bunionette of abnormal crowding and pressure and thus pain

Why do some bunionette pain persist after bunion surgery?

Some bunion surgeries may be able to straighten out the big toe to look better but not really narrow the forefoot to solve the crowding problem in regular shoes.

Even if a bunion surgery can narrow the forefoot but fails to restore big toe function may not help relieve pressure on the bunionette enough in walking for complete pain relieving.

Has syndesmosis procedure been able to help resolve bunionette pain and why?

The non-bone-breaking bunion surgery by syndesmosis procedure has been demonstrated by the Biomedical Engineering Department of Hong Kong Polytechnic University to be able to not only narrow the forefoot effectively but also restore the big toe function. After more than 1,600 syndesmosis procedures there has not been any need for surgery to relief bunionette pain yet in our experience.

Reference information: http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/bunionette.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年4月11日 星期三

Body Balance and Bunion Deformity


During walking body needs to balance itself from one foot during its stance phase to the other foot alternately. The ability to balance properly on one foot relies much on the normal function of big toe.

Why is big toe important for balance?

Big toe is not only the biggest but also more importantly strongest of all toes. We rely on our toes to lean forward and push against the ground for walking and prevent us from falling. Big toe may contribute up to 80% of all power required to do so. If big toe side of foot is weak due to the bunion condition, it may not be strong and reacting quick enough to prevent occasional sudden imbalance and fall. We need healthy big toes to maintain body balance especially for walking fast, on uneven ground and down the stairs or slopes.

How does bunion compromise body balance?

Bunion deformity destructs the power and stability of big toe. Thus bunion sufferers will find walking gradually becomes more difficult and tiring besides pain. Balance during the stance phase of walking will thus become poor and unsteady as bunion deformity worsens. Unexpected sudden falls can become a problem.

How do sufferers compensate for their compromised big toe function and ability to balance?

They will develop gradually more for a compensatory gait by shifting the body center of gravity backwards, away from the unreliable big toe, and walk slower. This altered gait is inefficient and tiring.

Can bunion surgery improve balance?

Absolutely, bunion surgery should be able to improve balance by restoring stability and function of big toes. The improved balance can especially be appreciated by young patients practicing yoga and also reduced falling tendency among elderlies. Syndesmosis procedure can improve balance because its ability to restore proper function of the big toe.

Reference information: http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/impaired-balance.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年4月10日 星期二

Metatarsalgia and Bunion Deformity


Bunion deformity can give rise to not only disabling bunion pain but also elsewhere in the foot, leg and even low back. It is therefore important to understand how and why they can be affected by the bunion problem or more accurately the impaired foot function in order to find a proper solution for them.

What is metatarsalgia?

Metatarsalgia is the pain under mid-metatarsal region of the forefoot just behind the second and third toe joints. It feels like walking on a pebble in the shoes. It is usually associated with thickening calluses in the same area.

Why is there callus and pain under the mid-metatarsal heads area of bunion feet?

The reason is twofold. Firstly and structurally, transverse metatarsal arch of the forefoot collapses due to destabilization/hypermobility of first metatarsal bone of bunion feet and thus increased contact pressure of the mid-metatarsal heads of a flat/collapsed metatarsal arch against the ground in walking. The other reason is the abnormal lateral shift of pressure/force to the mid metatarsal region for walking after gradual loss of the critical big toe function.

Can the non-bone-breaking syndesmosis procedure resolve the metatarsalgia problem for a bunion foot and why?

Syndesmosis procedure has been proven capable of re-aligning and re-stabilizing the first metatarsal consistently to restore the transverse metatarsal arch and also function of the great toe to spare mid metatarsal heads from undue pressure/force in walking.

Are there any clinical evidence that the pressure and force is reduced under the mid metatarsal heads after syndesmosis procedure?

Yes, firstly, any preoperative metatarsalgia has been consistently diminished or disappeared after syndesmosis procedure. secondly, metatarsal calluses have also markedly reduced or disappeared. Thirdly, no additional surgery such as Weil osteotomy (break-n-shift of the 2nd and 3rd metatarsals has been needed. Fourthly, plantar pressure study by F-Scan® has also demonstrated significant and consistent migration of forefoot metatarsal pressure in walking from the painful mid-metatarsal region of bunion feet to under the first metatarsal head where it should normally be.

Reference information:  http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/metatarsalgia.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年4月9日 星期一

Low Back Pain and Bunion Deformity


Low back pain is common in human due to our unique upright posture that exerts more strain and stress in the low back area. As low back spine degenerates with time it will become more sensitive and vulnerable. As bunion feet do not actually damage low back but can irritate it by their compensatory gait.

How can one’s low back pain be connected to bunion foot?

Bunion feet with loss of their all-important great toe function have to compensate by walking more on the outer side of feet. This altered weight-bearing technique would result in a subtle waddling gait from outer side of one foot to the outer side of the other instead of the big toe side of feet which is closer to body’s midline. This swaying of body from side to side can strain the low back and cause pain if walk for long.

How do I know if my low back pain is possibly related to my bunion feet?

Low back pain is a very common condition and more likely caused by aging than bunion feet. A simple way to probably differentiate the two is that bunion related low back pain is usually precipitated by prolonged walking instead of prolonged sitting for the degenerative type of low back pain.

Can bunion surgery alleviate my low back pain?

It is very likely that if any bunion surgery can effectively restore great toe function will also be able to improve the gait and thus reduce irritation and pain in the low back from walking.

Reference information: http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/low-back-pain-bunion.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年4月8日 星期日

Leg and Knee Pain


Without any underlying problems, leg muscles and joints can become painful due simply to overuse/strain at any time and age.

Can leg and knee pain be caused by bunion deformity?

Yes, the altered gait adopted by more severe bunion sufferers from losing their big toe function is less efficient and thus over-working leg muscles causing muscle or joint pain.

Bunion deformity can precipitate and also accentuate any pre-existing flat foot and pronation conditions, which in turn can produce valgus thrust and strain of the knee joint and muscles.

How would I know if bunion surgery may help my leg and knee pain or not?

It will depend on the chosen surgery, whether it can re-stabilize first metatarsal and restore big toe function or not.

Reference information: http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/leg-knee-pain.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年4月7日 星期六

Clawed toes and Bunion Deformity


Clawing deformity can happen usually to the second and third toes of a bunion foot. They can be painful due to rubbing against the top of shoes. Their base (metatarsophalangeal ) joints may also dislocate causing joint pain and metatarsalgia.

What are clawed toes?

As the name suggests that the mid joint of a toe is buckled upwards like a claw in shape. They can become severe and precipitate dislocation of the toe eventually if the bunion problem is not resolved and big toe function is not restored.

Why may the clawing deformity be developed in bunion feet?

Clawing deformity happens due to over-working of the lesser toes when big toe gradually loses its function by the bunion condition and they are also further aggravated by collapsing of the transverse metatarsal arch of bunion feet.

How can clawed toes of bunion feet be corrected?

Since they are caused by poor great toe function and collapsed metatarsal/transverse arch, any bunion surgery that can properly restore function of the great toe and the metatarsal arch will then remove the deforming forces on clawed toes to allow them to return to their normal status in most cases without additional surgery (Fig. 1 & 2).

What is the effect of Dr. Wu’s syndesmosis bunion surgery on clawed toes?

If its clawing deformity is not rigid, then the clawed toe can usually be straightened out on its own without additional surgery after syndesmosis procedure to restore big toe function and transverse metatarsal arch. But if clawing and dislocation have been for a long time and might have become rigid then additional surgery may still be necessary.

Reference information:  http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/clawed-toes-bunion-deformity.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年4月6日 星期五

Flat foot and Bunion Deformity


Foot is made up of 26 uniquely shaped bones that are held together by >100 ligaments and tendons to maintain two (medial longitudinal and transverse metatarsal) reversed suspension-bridge-like springy arches to absorb the tremendous shocks in performing the demanding daily and sports activities. If certain ligaments and tendons are incompetent for whatever reason, then the affected part of foot can collapse and cause function-related problem of foot, such as for flat-foot and bunion conditions.

Flat foot (pronation):

This is probably the most well-known and commonly seen condition of foot caused by incompetent ligaments and tendons that are no longer able to hold up bones to maintain the arch on the inner side of the foot.

Bunion (Hallux valgus) deformity:

This is another well-known foot condition caused by incompetent ligaments. Bunion is formed by the destabilized and displaced first metatarsal bone. Losing its ligament support first metatarsal can be displaced sideway by the stress of weight-bearing activities to form the bunion deformity.

Flat foot and Bunion deformities:

First metatarsal bone forms the distal segment of inner/medial arch of the foot. When it loses its ligament support, it gives way not only in sideway to form bunion deformity but also in upward direction to allows the medial longitudinal arch to collapse and precipitate/accentuate the flat foot condition.

Syndesmosis procedure and flat foot:

Syndesmosis procedure can restore to some extend and particularly stabilize the, static and dynamic, longitudinal and transverse arches of foot by being able to re-align and truly re-stabilize particularly the main culprit, destabilized and displaced first metatarsal bone. Syndesmosis procedure restores the arches statically by restoring the plantar-ward orientation of first metatarsal through the metatarsocuneiform joint configuration when its metatarsus primus varus deformity can be corrected in its entirety without osteotomies. These arches can also be further accentuated dynamically by restoring the windlass mechanism of first ray. These improved arches can be statically assessed by x-ray and photo images (Fig. 1a,b) and also dynamically by plantar pressure scanning of the foot in walking (Fig. 2a,b). Clinically, patients would feel the medial arch and inner side of foot much firmer and stronger for standing and walking. Objectively, the transverse arch is restored by evidence of disappearance or much reduction of preoperative metatarsal calluses.

Osteotomy procedures and flat foot:

While syndesmosis procedure has been shown capable of re-stabilizing first metatarsal to reduce flatness of the medial arch of foot, statically through the metatarsocuneiform joint and also dynamically through the restored windlass effect in walking. However, bone-breaking bunion surgeries would decouple this natural anatomical relationship and surgeons have to instead manipulate the disconnected distal bone fragment to rebuild the arch in a rather tricky if not almost impossible way. Should break-n-shift of the normal first metatarsal bone fail to heal in its pre-calculated position then neither medial and transverse arches nor foot function can be restored, and even postoperative transfer metatarsalgia complication may

Reference information: http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/flat-foot.html
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年3月22日 星期四








參考資料: http://www.bunioncenter.com/bunion/chi/treatment-concept.html

2018年3月15日 星期四

A pertinent analogy: Leaning Tower of Pisa

Bunion deformity is fundamentally formed by the loosened first metatarsal bone that has lost its ligamentous support and thus tilts abnormally to one side.

This scenario is not unlike the Leaning Tower of Pisa which has also lost its external support of a weak foundation. Both first metatarsal bone and the Tower are basically unchanged and normal in shape by themselves.

To upright the Tower by the "break-n-shift" concept as in traditional bone-breaking bunion (hallux vaglus) surgery would not only induce unnecessary damages to the normal and innocent Tower itself, but also fail to address its underlying issue of a weak foundation.

Similarly, the normal and innocent first metatarsal would also be damaged of its function and not stabilized against future recurrence of tilting.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年3月1日 星期四



1. 據說拇趾外翻手術康復過程很痛及復原期長,是否屬實?


2. 可否雙腳一起進行手術?


3. 手術是否需要移植人工物料?


4. 有什麼可能的併發症?


5. 醫療保險是否保障拇趾外翻手術?


6. 如有需要,手術可否重複再做?


7. 手術過程需時多久?


8. 手術可否局部麻醉下進行?


參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com

2018年2月13日 星期二

Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

1. Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

Yes, it is the case after certain types of bone-breaking surgery. Since Dr. Wu's syndesmosis procedure does not need to break any bones, its pain is usually much less and for 1-2 days only. Its recovery period is much less incapacitating.

2. Can both feet be corrected at same time?

Yes, this is usually the preference by patients with bilateral bunion condition.

3. Are there any artificial implant such as screws and pins used?

No, the only foreign material used is the ordinary surgical sutures and they are dissolvable.

4. What are the possible complications?

Complications are possible but a lot fewer and milder in comparison to the "break-n-shift" surgeries. The possible complications are numbness around the wound (on top of great toe), wound infection, over-correction, early partial recurrence and stress fracture due to excessive walking and separation between second and third metatarsals. There has been no known late recurrence or transfer metatarsalgia.

5. Do medical insurances cover bunion surgeries?

Yes, they do because bunion surgery is considered necessary for pain relief and function improvement of the foot. But it is always advisable to get written approval from your insurance company ahead of surgery.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2018年1月24日 星期三




不需要截骨 可預防復發




2018年1月10日 星期三

曾受拇趾外翻困擾 鄧麗欣怕痛唔敢做手術



