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2013年1月16日 星期三
Patient sharing (4)
I wanted to keep you posted on the condition of my feet after the bunion operation in Hong Kong, as I have been so pleased with the results.
We have been living in Syndey for six months now and it is over a year since the plaster was removed from my feet. My feet not only look great but are feeling great. I have no foot pain and do a lot of walking.
I am careful to wear good shoes with the orthotics which were fitted in Hong Kong. I have not been able to find where I can have a foot scan. I would like to do so to send you the results for your records. It is over a year since I had the surgery, I am sure you will also be pleased with the results after this period of time. The 2nd and 3rd toes are starting to suit more flat. Previously they always had a "hammerhead" look to them, very raised at the joints.
I will always appreciate having this surgery done while I was in Hong Kong. I know I would not have had the invasive surgery they do for bunions, here in Australia. I hope your work can become known in other places where they still break and pin bones to fix bunions. I feel you have done groundbreaking work in developing this surgery and wish you well with future results. I will send some pictures soon and try to get a foot scan done.
R. Crosbie
Reference: www.bunioncenter.com/
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.
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