2015年4月27日 星期一

Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

1. Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

Yes, it is the case after certain types of bone-breaking surgery. Since Dr. Wu's syndesmosis procedure does not need to break any bones, its pain is usually much less and for 1-2 days only. Its recovery period is much less incapacitating.

2. Can both feet be corrected at same time?

Yes, this is usually the preference by patients with bilateral bunion condition.

3. Are there any artificial implant such as screws and pins used?

No, the only foreign material used is the ordinary surgical sutures and they are dissolvable.

4. What are the possible complications?

Complications are possible but a lot fewer and milder in comparison to the "break-n-shift" surgeries. The possible complications are numbness around the wound (on top of great toe), wound infection, over-correction, early partial recurrence and stress fracture due to excessive walking and separation between second and third metatarsals. There has been no known late recurrence or transfer metatarsalgia.

5. Do medical insurances cover bunion surgeries?

Yes, they do because bunion surgery is considered necessary for pain relief and function improvement of the foot. But it is always advisable to get written approval from your insurance company ahead of surgery.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2015年4月21日 星期二

長期穿高跟鞋, 教師母趾外翻



參考資料: orientaldaily.on.cc/

2015年4月14日 星期二

Non-surgical (conservative) treatment

No conservative treatment can correct existing bunion deformity.

The practical goal of non-surgical treatment is to minimize bunion pain by wearing wider and softer shoes and to minimize deformity deterioration by wearing bunion-specific protective foot orthotics.

Anti-inflammatory medications can help alleviate bursitis and joint pain temporarily.

Physiotherapy can also provide symptomatic relief, however foot exercises need to be carried out correctly, diligently and possibly permanently to be useful.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2015年4月9日 星期四

何為拇趾外翻?- 拇趾外翻綜合症

拇囊腫是指拇趾旁邊的突起物,是一種普遍的前足部骨骼和軟組織移位而引起的變形現象,醫學上稱為"拇趾外翻綜合症" (如圖2-4)。


圖1. 輕微拇趾外翻 圖2. 中度拇趾外翻 
圖3. 拇趾外翻綜合症 圖4. 足繭

參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/

2015年4月4日 星期六

Australian Bunion Patient

This page is going to be dedicated to Bunions. It is incredible the amount of people who suffer from them and who are interested in the journey I am in the process of taking. So as the anesthetic wears off... and, I find a few more brain cells that have gone AWOL, I will post as much info as possible here.
Dr Wu's Surgery in Hong Kong
Dr Wu's Surgery in Hong Kong, you can see the seating is sympathetic to those who need to have their feet elevated. Its a great set up, Rachel, Dr Wu's assistant takes on the spot Xrays. They also have a resident physiotherapist. I was also issued with my special shoes, crutches and instructions on how to use all of these things, pre surgery.
The surgery I chose is non bone cutting/breaking. In Australia, the practice is to cut or break the bones in some way. My Grandmother and my girlfriend did have this surgery and it was not successful for them. So when I heard about Dr Wu and his Syndesmosis Procedure, I jumped at it. I will not attempt to explain it, so I suggest you follow that link to his website which explains not only the procedure but also the condition which we refer to as bunions.
My Feet, Pre Bunion Surgery 2012
#1st month after surgery 2012 
#2nd month after surgery, 2012
My initial enquiries to The Bunion Centre and their response...

"Thank you for your enquiry about our non-bone breaking bunion surgery.   The surgery would take about an hour per foot.  Ambulation from early on after surgery is not a problem.  But unfortunately too much walking is not good for the healing of the surgery and its ultimate result.  There are only two simple requests from Dr. Wu to almost ensure you an excellent result. They  are: 1) Although you will be capable and allowed to walk but the little you walk the better result will be.   If you do have to sometimes walk long distance or time then use crutches. 2)  Stretching exercise of your big toes from day one after surgery and it is very possible and only mild discomfort.

By the way, the recovery process is as follows:

1-3 weeks - wear special shoes, indoor walking , need elevation
1 month after surgery – gentle swimming & stationary cycling could be done
up to 3 months - wear special shoes, limited normal outdoor walking
3-6 months - wear normal shoes with in-soles, limited normal outdoor walking
6 months onwards - all normal activities and resume sports gradually

Third class  room is around US$16,500 for both feet.  For Single room is around US31,000 for both feet, as all the charges is vary according to room charges.

You will stay at Hong Kong Adventist Hospital, their website is www.hkah.org.hk

About a month in advance for booking surgery."
#3rd month after surgery, 2012
#4th month after surgery, 2012
The day after surgery @ The Hong Kong Adventist Hospital 2012
Day after surgery, 2012, The Hong Kong Adventist Hospital have a wonderful approach to their meals, you can basically order what you want, during the day, and it will be cooked and delivered to you. They follow a healthy regime, my choice was to go for as much 'RAW' as possible and high fibre, as I realised that my digest tract needed to work out, even if I couldn't.
The casts, put on by Dr Wu 5 days after surgery at The Bunion Centre. I wore for 3 months. They are slip on and off.
The #1st week after surgery @ Lanson Place Hotel. You can almost see the surgical shoes that I call Moon Boots. The hotel looked after me, propping up my feet on cushions and serving the wine.
Back in Perth/Fremantle, I could not have done with out my hired mobility scooter. The dogs decided it was a fun way to get about as well.
#6th month after surgery, 2013

Contact List:

The Centre for Dr. Wu's Bunion Surgery http://www.bunioncenter.com/

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital http://www.hkah.org.hk/new/eng/index.php

Relevant Posts, to read more just click on the link:
#1 The Journey, Bunion Surgery, Hong Kong
#2 The Journey, Bunions, My Story
Bunions End Of #4th Month
Bunions, 6 Months On, The Xrays
Bunions, Milestones, February 2013 (8.5 months on)
Bunions, 9 Months On
I stayed at The Lanson Place Hotel, short stay accommodation, Just a short walk to Dr Wu's surgery http://hongkong.lansonplace.com/
I loved the Lanson, they were fabulous, bent over backwards for me. But.... unfortunately they do not have room service meals. You can order meals from other restaurants, but I didnt do that. They do have a casual dim sum with drinks in the afternoon. So I would suggest a hotel that where you had a good in room meals service. And please search for accommodation that is clean! I am paranoid about germs!!

My Chiropractor in Perth, Western Australia, Kevin Carlson @ Gentle Chiropractic http://www.gentlechiro.com.au/

My Doctor in Margaret River, Dr Graham Velterop @ The Margaret River Surgery 

My Doctor in Perth, Dr Hendrik Rensburg @ The Hobart Street Medical Clinic

Paul Carroll Shoes, specialising in orthotic shoes @ http://www.paulcarroll.com.au/, I bought Merrell's, Kroten & Betula 

Please feel free to contact me via the contact page on this website.

This looks weird I know, it is a series of anatomical models of feet, used for the study of Medicine. This sits on top of my kitchen cabinet!
The plaster casts of my feet go back 20 years I reckon. My feet have been giving me grief for a loooong time. I think the suggestion at the time was to resolve the pain by giving me an orthotic arch support to go in my shoes.
2 years and 1 month later (looking fabulous :)

Reference link : 

2015年4月1日 星期三

傳統拇趾外翻手術: 截骨移位術


一直以來,拇趾外翻手術針對修正和穩定第一蹠骨,因它除了是拇趾外翻問題的根源以外,亦是其他足部問題如爪型趾、拇囊炎、尾趾囊腫、腳趾重疊甚至足 弓下塌等症狀的主因,如第一蹠骨問題能有效及正確地解決,患者原則上應可重新享受運動、跳舞和穿高跟鞋等正常活動。

這理想目標能否達成,手術的處理方式乃 其中關鍵所在,手術必須符合病理學的原理。



傳統拇趾外翻手術: 截骨移位術



American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons http://www.orthoinfo.aaos.org British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society http://www.bofas.org.uk/ 均提醒患者注意目前外科手術的局限性,因截骨手術仍未能一致地解決患者足部功能如鞋款或活動等限制。似乎截骨手術對患者術後功能恢復仍有不足之處。但事實上,若能配合正確的手術方式,情況未必真的如此。


參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/