2014年3月25日 星期二

全方位拇趾外翻手術 (下)

由於能針對拇趾外翻軟組織的根本問題﹐所以吳醫生直言:「韌 帶聯合術適合大多數的拇趾外翻問題﹐不論輕微或嚴重患者均適合﹐曾試過有一些極為嚴重的個案﹐向我們求診﹐在施以韌帶聯合術半年後﹐她已可行動自如﹐足部 功能也大大改善。」不少接受韌帶聯合術的患者﹐更在康復後再度跳舞﹑行山﹑運動﹐甚至穿高跟鞋也沒問題﹐重拾以往的生活。
術後不受正常活動 (如跳舞和運動) 及鞋款 (如高踭鞋) 等限制

參考資料 www.bunioncenter.com

2014年3月24日 星期一

全方位拇趾外翻手術 (上)

突破性韌帶聯合術 毋須截骨

此外﹐由於截骨手術未必能處理身一蹠骨的根本問題 (即其內翻以政拇趾外翻)﹐早於20年前﹐拇趾外翻創新手術中心骨科專科吳彥醫生便重點針對此成因﹐研創了獨有的「韌帶聯合術」﹐醫生更指出:「只需單一手術已可將大多數甚至嚴重的拇指外翻都能治療﹐並以簡單的手術方式﹐毋須截骨﹐便可使身體產生自建韌帶﹐將第一蹠骨拉直和固定﹐直接針對拇指外翻問題﹐而且併發症亦少。」在吳醫生約20年臨床經驗中﹐成功個案更達數百個﹐他表示由於自建的韌帶非常穩定﹐所以此手術的復發率十分低。


參考資料 www.bunioncenter.com

2014年3月21日 星期五

Who gets a bunion deformity and the High Heel Myth? (Part 2)

Female hormone can possibly be the most important causative factor in bunion development is because bunion/ hallux valgus is a soft tissue problem of ligament loosening and female hormones is responsible for looser female joints than male's and loosening of pelvic ring for easier delivering of babies. Interestingly, some women did notice their bunion deformity had become worse during and soon after their pregnancies.
In summary, bunion is mainly a female condition relating to their female hormone and often compounded by heredity. Although high-heel shoes are not the main cause of ligament failure in bunion feet, they can probably precipitate earlier onset and accelerate progression of a bunion-prone foot due to genetic factor. Avoiding high heels may help prevent unnecessary aggravation but not necessarily its progressive nature. If a woman has no family history of bunion deformity, there is still certain risk in wearing high heels for many years.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

Who gets a bunion deformity and the High Heel Myth? (Part 1)

Contrary to popular belief, high-heel shoes are actually not the main cause of ligament failure in bunion feet. Studies have indeed shown that more than 90% of bunion sufferers are female and that societies changing from barefoot to wearing ordinary shoes (not even high-heels) increased in their incidence of bunion condition.

 However, there have been no subsequent studies to show how much high-heel shoes make feet more susceptible to bunion formation than the original findings by ordinary shoes. The reason for female being more susceptible to bunion development is due actually to their female hormones (estrogen) which tend to loosen up ligaments, including the ones supporting the displaced bones in bunion feet. Genes plays also a much more important role than high-heel shoes. 

Studies have shown more than 80% of bunion sufferers have positive family history and most of them never wore much high heels at all. A small proportion (<5%) of bunion patients can only blame on their high-heel shoes for they have no family history of bunions. One study showed that positive family history is probably 25 times more important as a cause of bunions than high-heel shoes
Total 1056 surveyed
395 (36.5%) had bunions
High heels (+)
High heels
395 (36.5%) had bunions
Family History (+)
Family History (-)




Survey results initiated by Center for Dr. Wu's bunion surgery with the co-operation of Hong Kong Baptist University

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. 
If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2014年3月14日 星期五



過去廿年來,超過1000個不同程度的個案中,吳醫生皆以非截骨手術方式來矯正,在最近800個個案有完整手術前後X-光照片電子及足部功能掃瞄記錄 (F-scan®)。超過80% 個案可恢復拇趾正常功能,而外觀結果皆以照片形式存檔。功能恢復的臨床效果可從患者術後的正常如跑步、跳舞和穿高跟鞋等活動證明出來。另一方面,功能得到 回復的表現也可從患者術後足繭或痛楚消失中顯示出來。為了把患者的足部功能回復結果客觀地記錄下來,所有本地患者必須作手術前後的功能掃瞄測試 (F-Scan®) 達兩年之久。

因為大拇趾承擔8 0%足部向前推動的動力,所 以拇趾在 F-Scan® 的測試中應顯示最大的壓力

在拇趾外翻的情況下,拇趾功能受到影響,在 測試中會顯示出低壓力(藍色),而受力的位置 卻向外轉移至前腳掌底部中間位置 (亦是這部 位常有足繭或痛楚的原因)

參考資料: http://www.bunioncenter.com  

2014年3月13日 星期四

Syndesmosis Procedure

Syndesmosis is a real anatomical structure in human body providing side-to side connection and stability between two parallel long bones such as tibia and fibula in the leg.

Syndesmosis procedure utilizes the same principle to realign misaligned bones without having to break them and also provide a specific mechanism to re-stabilize the re-aligned first metatarsal bone permanently. Without having to break normal bones and release normal tendons as traditional bunion surgeries do, syndesmosis procedure is truly minimally traumatic and thus has less surgical pain, fewer complications and greater function restoration.

Syndesmosis procedure has been proven to be able to consistently restore normal great toe function by mechanical testing with F-scan in so far over 800 consecutive cases. This mechanical and functional normalization is also reflected in spontaneous resolution of bunion's secondary conditions such as metatarsalgia, metatarsal calluses, hammer toes, collapsed arches and bunionette without additional surgeries. Returning to usual shoes including high-fashion and high-heel shoes and to ordinary exercises such as jogging, sports and dancing can now become realities, simply for the reason that correction can be achieved without breaking bones.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2014年3月6日 星期四


治拇趾外翻 提升康復效果

近年﹐美容界掀起一遍注射PRP熱潮﹐令容貌回復年輕。究竟PRP為何如此神奇? 其實﹐PRP是血小板含量豐富的血漿 (Platelet Rich Plasma) 的簡稱﹐最初是醫學界採用促進術後傷口止血及癒合; 後來美容界以此加速皮膚細胞的新陳代謝及更新﹐達至去紋去皺﹑改善鬆弛等效果。最近﹐拇趾外翻創新手術中心吳彥醫生更率先操用PRP技術配合其研創的「韌帶聯合術」為拇趾外翻患者進行治療﹐令病人的康復效果更加理想。

PRP新用途 治拇趾外翻

人體血液內的血小板含有多種生長因子﹐能促進細胞再生﹐加速傷口癒合。醫學界基於此原理﹐從患者身上抽取血液﹐利用儀器經分層離心方法分離出高濃度的血小板﹐用回患者身上以提升傷口自然癒合的能力。最初PRP是用於植牙手術﹐其後廣泛應用於皮膚科﹑骨科等醫學範疇上; 迎年更在醫學美容及整型的領域上普遍應用。吳彥醫生自去年起率先將PRP技術配合「韌帶聯合術」治療拇趾外翻﹐經臨床覲察﹐發現有效提升患者的康復效果。

非截骨手術 回復足部功能

「韌帶聯合術」是由吳醫生研創﹐能根治拇指外翻﹐恢復足部正常功能的非截骨手術﹐吳醫生指出:「拇 趾外翻的成因是前足第一與第二蹠骨之間的韌帶鬆弛﹐第一蹠骨逐步外歪﹐引致腳趾變形歪斜。傳統治療方法是將傾斜的第一蹠骨截斷。拉直後以螺絲固定。而「韌 帶聯合術」則針對刃韌帶鬆弛的問題﹐通過身體的結構組織自行增新韌帶來固定外翻的第一蹠骨。令足部恢復正常外觀和功能; 不僅創傷小﹐亦不會破壞足部結構。在過去十六年的四百多宗病例中﹐逾九成個案回復足部功能﹐可以跑步﹐跳舞﹑爬山﹐甚至穿週踭鞋。

配合PRP技術 不排斥﹑效果佳

吳醫生續稱:PRP有肋細胞的復原和再生﹐以此配合『韌帶聯合術』﹐能加速患者韌帶自行增新的能力; 加上PRP是抽取自患者自身的血液﹐故不會有排斥反應﹐安全性極高。應用了此技術超過六個月﹐雖然目前未有詳細的研究數據﹐但經臨床觀察﹐患者的康復速度更快﹐而新生的韌帶亦更堅韌。最明顯是手術後的疤痕紅印以往要大約六個月才減退﹐現在則縮至兩﹑三個月﹐效果令人滿意。」

參考資料 www.bunioncenter.com

2014年3月5日 星期三

Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

1. Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

Yes, it is the case after certain types of bone-breaking surgery. Since Dr. Wu's syndesmosis procedure does not need to break any bones, its pain is usually much less and for 1-2 days only. Its recovery period is much less incapacitating.

2. Can both feet be corrected at same time?

Yes, this is usually the preference by patients with bilateral bunion condition.

3. Are there any artificial implant such as screws and pins used?

No, the only foreign material used is the ordinary surgical sutures and they are dissolvable.

4. What are the possible complications?

Complications are possible but a lot fewer and milder in comparison to the "break-n-shift" surgeries. The possible complications are numbness around the wound (on top of great toe), wound infection, over-correction, early partial recurrence and stress fracture due to excessive walking and separation between second and third metatarsals. There has been no known late recurrence or transfer metatarsalgia.

5. Do medical insurances cover bunion surgeries?

Yes, they do because bunion surgery is considered necessary for pain relief and function improvement of the foot. But it is always advisable to get written approval from your insurance company ahead of surgery.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.