2013年7月30日 星期二

Extreme deformity

Extreme bunion condition (#1067):This female patient has been able to return to her ballroom dancing in high heels since her surgery. Her big toes were restored of their function primarily because the misaligned bones were realigned without having to be broken and displaced.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月29日 星期一

Advantages of Non-Bone-Breaking bunion surgery

1. Minimal trauma, less pain, fewer complications and earlier mobility.

2. Both feet can be done together to avoid the inconveniences of a second surgery.

3. It is suitable and effective for almost all bunions, mild or severe.

4. The same procedure can be repeated, if necessary, without minimal compromises.

5. Recurrence rate is very low due to the specific stabilizing ligament that is structured into the correction.

6.Unprecedented function results by effective re-alignment and re-stabilization of the first metatarsal bone without having to break it.

7. Truly restriction-free for shoes and activities after six months.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月23日 星期二

Severe deformity

Severe bunion condition (#1200): The bone-breaking traditional bunion surgery requires different techniques for different deformity severity. Dr. Wu's non-bone-breaking syndesmosis procedure can correct mild and severe deformities alike whilst restoring functionality.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月22日 星期一

Moderate deformity

Moderate bunion condition (#1108): Many comparative studies have shown that for moderate deformities the bone-breaking (Chevron) procedure is more effective than the non-bone-breaking (McBride) procedure.

But Dr. Wu's non-bone-breaking "syndesmosis procedure" has proven it can not only correct without breaking bones but also restore function of the all important big toe with greater effect than traditional procedures. This has been proven by function scan studies of more than 300 consecutive cases, before and after their surgeries.


57yr old female with moderate bunion deformity


1.5 yrs after surgery Forefoot narrowing

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月18日 星期四

Syndesmosis procedure is a renewed concept in bunion surgery

Syndesmosis procedure is a renewed concept in bunion surgery that is based on the simple fact that the pathological center of bunion condition is the "de-stabilized" and "dis-placed" first metatarsal bone. Syndesmosis procedure is designed specifically to "re-align" and "re-stabilize" the first metatarsal bone with minimal peripheral trauma.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

Syndesmosis procedure is a breakthrough in bunion surgery for being able to correct virtually all bunion deformities, mild or severe, with one single technique. "Re-alignment" of first metatarsal bone is achieved by tying it to its adjacent second metatarsal bone, which is the most stable of all five metatarsal bones. This simple re-alignment technique has been proven to be effective and applicable to almost all bunion feet, regardless of their severity, the age of the patient or anatomical variations. The simple reason why almost all displaced first metatarsal bones can be re-aligned without being broken is because by definition they are de-stabilised and loose. Therefore, they ought to be movable and free to be shifted back to their original normal position.

"Re-stabilization" is specifically ensured by creating a brand new fibrous connecting bridge (syndesmosis) between first and second metatarsal bones. This fibrous bridge formation is a natural and normal reaction of the body to the surgical procedure. This bridge formation is a constant event in any healthy person regardless of age. Due to its strong and biological nature, it has been proven resilient to activities like jogging, ballroom dancing and wearing of high-heel shoes against re-displacement of first metatarsal bone.

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月16日 星期二

Bunions can often be as simple as a temporarily inflamed bursa due to tight shoes.

Usually anti-inflammatory medication and wide shoes can help relieve them. Or they can be the start of a progressive condition - especially for women with a family history. A consultation with a doctor is recommended to make a proper differentiation for early protective (preventative?) measures.

It is advisable for women who enjoy high fashion and high-heeled shoes but worry about possible bunion problems, to check their family history. If there is no family history of bunion conditions, then high heels may pose only a slight risk of developing the condition later in life. If there is a positive family history, then wearing high heels and pointed shoes may precipitate earlier onset and accelerate progression of a bunion condition.

Should you require treatment for a bunion condition, it is important for you to consider your choices and to remember that the foot is created for function. Any surgery of the foot should be minimally traumatic in order to maximise function restoration and avoid complications.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月12日 星期五

What can I do to help prevent my bunion from becoming worse?

1. What can I do to help prevent my bunion from becoming worse?

Wear as little high heels and pointed shoes as possible.
Use bunion-specific foot orthoses for best protection.
Try silicon toe spreader or night splint but their effectiveness is not known.
Physiotherapist instructed foot and toe exercises.

2. If I have a family history of bunion condition, what is the chance of me developing it?

Genes play a strong role in majority bunion patients. You may have inherited bunion genes but their effects are random and there is no statistics yet of their expression among family members. Female hormones (estrogen) can also compound the risk greatly and tilt the gender-balance to 9 times more common among female than male.

3. When may I need to start considering surgical treatment?

Usually when conservative measures fail to control bunion related pain in the foot, leg or low back and the pain begins to interfere with daily activities. To prevent the development of arthritis of the affected big toe joint, surgery should be considered for severe bunion deformity in a relatively young and active person.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月9日 星期二

Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

1. Many people talk about bunion surgery being painful and a long recovery, is this true?

Yes, it is the case after certain types of bone-breaking surgery. Since Dr. Wu's syndesmosis procedure does not need to break any bones, its pain is usually much less and for 1-2 days only. Its recovery period is much less incapacitating.

2. Can both feet be corrected at same time?

Yes, this is usually the preference by patients with bilateral bunion condition.

3. Are there any artificial implant such as screws and pins used?

No, the only foreign material used is the ordinary surgical sutures and they are dissolvable.

4. What are the possible complications?

Complications are possible but a lot fewer and milder in comparison to the "break-n-shift" surgeries. The possible complications are numbness around the wound (on top of great toe), wound infection, over-correction, early partial recurrence and stress fracture due to excessive walking and separation between second and third metatarsals. There has been no known late recurrence or transfer metatarsalgia.

5. Do medical insurances cover bunion surgeries?

Yes, they do because bunion surgery is considered necessary for pain relief and function improvement of the foot. But it is always advisable to get written approval from your insurance company ahead of surgery.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月3日 星期三

Syndesmosis Procedure

Syndesmosis is a real anatomical structure in human body providing side-to side connection and stability between two parallel long bones such as tibia and fibula in the leg.

Syndesmosis procedure utilizes the same principle to realign misaligned bones without having to break them and also provide a specific mechanism to re-stabilize the re-aligned first metatarsal bone permanently. Without having to break normal bones and release normal tendons as traditional bunion surgeries do, syndesmosis procedure is truly minimally traumatic and thus has less surgical pain, fewer complications and greater function restoration.

Syndesmosis procedure has been proven to be able to consistently restore normal great toe function by mechanical testing with F-scan in so far over 800 consecutive cases. This mechanical and functional normalization is also reflected in spontaneous resolution of bunion's secondary conditions such as metatarsalgia, metatarsal calluses, hammer toes, collapsed arches and bunionette without additional surgeries. Returning to usual shoes including high-fashion and high-heel shoes and to ordinary exercises such as jogging, sports and dancing can now become realities, simply for the reason that correction can be achieved without breaking bones.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年7月2日 星期二


過去廿年來,超過1000個不同程度的個案中,吳醫生皆以非截手術方式來矯正,在最近800個個案有完整手術前後X-光照片電子及足部功能掃瞄記錄 (F-scan®)。超過80% 個案可恢復拇趾正常功能,而外觀結果皆以照片形式存檔。功能恢復的臨床效果可從患者術後的正常如跑步、跳舞和穿高跟鞋等活動證明出來。另一方面,功能得到回復的表現也可從患者術後足繭或痛楚消失中顯示出來。為了把患者的足部功能回復結果客觀地記錄下來,所有本地患者必須作手術前後的功能掃瞄測試 (F-Scan®) 達兩年之久。

因為大拇趾承擔8 0%足部向前推動的動力,所 以拇趾在 F-Scan® 的測試中應顯示最大的壓力

在拇趾外翻的情況下,拇趾功能受到影響,在 測試中會顯示出低壓力(藍色),而受力的位置 卻向外轉移至前腳掌底部中間位置 (亦是這部 位常有足繭或痛楚的原因)

參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com