2013年4月30日 星期二

The Center for Dr. Wu's Bunion Surgery

The Center for Dr. Wu's Bunion Surgery is dedicated exclusively to the treatment, research and education of the bunion condition and to the development of non-bone-breaking bunion surgery.

Foot is more for function than for show. The ultimate goal of bunion surgery should always be function restoration so that foot can return to normal activities and shoes without restrictions and recurrence. Foot function can only be meaningfully assessed by computerized function scan study. To demonstrate objectively and ensure that Dr. Wu’s non-bone-breaking bunion surgery can restore normal function of bunion feet, our center has been conducting force function study of every foot with F-Scan® by TekScan before and after surgery since 2005. Bunion surgery to us is not only for cosmetic correction but even more importantly for function improvement.
To ensure consistent x-ray assessment of each foot for before and after surgery comparison and for research purpose, the center is also equipped with state-of-the-art foot-specific competerized digital x-ray machine.

Our center has its own foot-lab to provide custom-made foot orthotics and also a wide range size of ready-made orthotics specifically designed for protecting bunion feet.
Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年4月23日 星期二


Ms. Kitty C.


至2008年尾,參加過由吳醫生主持的拇指外翻講座後,明白到此病症大多是遺傳因素所引起,而穿高跟鞋亦祗會加速病情; 剛巧妹妹及媽媽都有同樣的病症,只時病情惡化進度有所不同;事實上妹妹從不穿高跟鞋和尖頭鞋, 只穿平底鞋。

至於媽媽, 她對拇指外翻病症,可以說是一無所知,已惡化至其他腳趾彎曲變形,直至2001年,當時媽媽已年屆70,同年先後2次於左右腳動截骨手術,手術後,外觀確實有明顯改善,數月後,發覺厚繭及波子骨又慢慢重現,現時她走路時仍容易失去重心,且每星期都要用小刀把厚繭批去,否則難忍走路時所帶來的痛楚。

有見及此,我於今年2月初,採用吳醫生之"韌帶聯合術",現手術後已經6個多月,外觀明顯改善了,厚繭也完全消失,腳趾功能亦慢慢回復。至現在為止,本人對 "韌帶聯合術" 可謂是無疑地推薦予各拇指外翻人士。

參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/


2013年4月22日 星期一


Ms. SF Leung

2005年的冬天,期待以久的手術將要在政府醫院進行,因手術日期已獲安排。但當得悉術後的傷口將頗為大及需要在截骨處安裝螺絲時,卻令我猶豫起來,加上 家人的反對,最終便放棄這個決定。而過去所遇到的醫生都只是向我推介傳統的截骨術,使我多年來徬徨、瘋癲的心態剎那間達至崩潰。



參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/


2013年4月16日 星期二

Dr. Wu

Dr. Daniel Y. Wu is an orthopaedic surgeon trained in Canada and also certified in USA and Hong Kong. He had always been troubled by the bone-breaking concept in bunion surgery until he came across Dr. Michael Harrison in Canada. Dr. Harrison happened to be experimenting with a virtually unknown soft tissue technique that appealed very much to Dr. Wu's understanding of the bunion condition. 

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

Dr. Wu has always believed bunion deformity is primarily a soft tissue issue and it should only be resolved through soft tissue method. Dr. Wu carried on Dr. Harrison's vision and steadily refined his technique to maximize its functional result. Dr. Wu has also always regarded foot is more for function than for show and so should also bunion surgery. He named this non-bone-breaking bunion surgery "syndesmosis procedure" to reflect its understanding of bunion fundamentals and its physiological surgical principles. After years of observation, he was encouraged by its safety and results to set up a bunion surgical center to help advance his conviction in non-bone-breaking bunion surgery.

As syndesmosis procedure will surpass the 1,500-case milestone in 2013, Dr. Wu wishes others will join him in exploring the minimally traumatic and maximally logical non-bone-breaking concept.

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年4月15日 星期一

Foot: Natures Most Complex Creation

Every day we subject our feet to more physical stresses than any other parts of our body. From daily walking to recreational sports, let alone other extreme activities, our feet are expected to last a lifetime of repeated pounding against the ground and maneuvering all types of terrain. It has to be one of the most complex structures and engineering wonders. A normal foot is made up of 26 specifically shaped bones, versus only four in the leg from hip to ankle. These many bones are connected and moved by more than 100 ligaments, muscles and tendons. Any slight deviation from normal, such as an extra bone (accessory navicula), fused bones (tarsal coalition) or a flat or high arched foot, may render foot function limitations and problems.

Similarly, any surgical alteration of foot structures unnecessarily from the normal form can only risk normal function of the foot. This basic surgical principle is especially true in the correction of bunion deformity.

Therefore, it is essential to understand the true underlying pathology of bunion deformity before an optimal surgical correction, cosmetically and functionally, can be realized.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年4月10日 星期三

Non-bone-breaking soft tissue approach

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

Often the immediate response to any soft tissue or non-bone-breaking concept is it must be a weak correction and only suitable for mild bunion feet.

McBride procedure: McBride procedure was first described in the 1950's and is one of only few non-bone-breaking surgeries that have been described in the history of bunion surgery.

 It was found ineffective mainly due to its ineffectiveness in correcting first metatarsal alignment. Despite many subsequent modifications trying to amend this deficiency, McBride procedure is seldom being reported anymore.

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2013年4月8日 星期一

Objectives of bunion surgery

Reference information: www.bunioncenter.com

Historically, bunion surgery has always been designed to re-align and re-stabilize the first metatarsal bone, because it is the cornerstone for not only proper bunion and big toe correction but also other secondary changes such as hammer toes, metatarsalgia, overlapping toes, bunionette and even collapsed arches.

If first metatarsal can be properly re-aligned and re-stabilized, a bunion foot should in principle be able to return to normal activities such as sports, dancing and high-heels, and with minimal chance of recurrence. Whether this ideal goal can be realized or not depends critically on the correct surgical principles.

All surgical steps need to be physio-logical which means making sense according to the true underlying pathology.

Since foot is more for function than for show and bunion deformity breaks down foot function, it is important for bunion surgery to be able to restore normal function of the foot whenever possible.

It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.