2012年12月12日 星期三

Bunion Breakthrough

1,000 and counting

Hong Kong Adventist Hospital (HKAH) is pleased that Dr Daniel Wu, specialist in Orthopaedic, has performed more than 1,000 of his non-bone-breaking bunion surgery at our hospital. Over 50 of these surgeries were on patients from across the world, including Australia, Canada, China, Dubai, Japan, Indonesia, New Zealand, Singapore, Netherland, Italy, the UK and USA, who came specifically for the procedure.

Congratulations to Dr Wu on his pioneering work and best wishes for his further success.

In 2011, the Biomedical Science Department of the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong verified that Dr Wu’s non-bone-breaking bunion surgery can not only correct bunion deformity but also significantly and consistently improve the all important mechanical functions of patients’ feet. Researchers at the university used the F-scan® to study the pre- and one-year post-operative plantar pressure of 34 consecutive patients who had both their feet corrected.

Dr Wu presented this study at the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Annual Congress in December, 2011 and American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons’ annual meeting in San Francisco in February, 2012. The study is also being prepared for scientific publication to demonstrate that a bunion surgery can finally restore mechanical function of the big toe – the biggest contributor (80%) of all the toes in walking and a major victim of the bunion condition.

Reference: Pulse - Medical News
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2012年12月7日 星期五

Foot for Thought (2)

Since females are known to dominate bunion condition over males by the ration of 9:1 and if high heels are not at fault then what is responsible for the gender-related propensity?

To understand the reason, it is necessary to recognize that the bunion condition is caused by over-flexibility of ligaments. What makes female more flexible and even to the point of dislocating their pubic symphysis during pregnancies are female hormones, not high heels.

? A Question to Ponder

Q: If high heels play only a small role in bunion debacles, can they still be worn after surgery with impunity?

A: Unfortunately, the answer may not be quite so simple.
According to websites of American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons and the British Orthopaedic Association, both advise that patients will have some shoe and activity restrictions after current surgical techniques.
However, not all bunion surgeries are created equal and it is self-explanation by simple x-ray illustration below to compare traditional ‘bone-breaking’ procedures (>95% of all bunion surgeries done around the world) and the minimal-traumatic ‘non-bone-breaking’ syndesmosis procedure which carries no activity or shoe restrictions after surgery.

BY Dr. Daniel WU
Specialist in Orthopaedics

Reference: Pulse - Medical News
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2012年12月4日 星期二

Foot for Thought (1)

Everyone would probably agree that feet are mainly functional rather than ornamental. Despite the extreme strains put on our feet in vross-country running and ballet dancing, these common activities are neither medically inadvisable nor proven damaging to our feet.

But, why are the devilishly beautiful high-heel shoes always painted as evil instruments for feet? Admittedly, they can be uncomfortable, tiring, bad for knees and back but do they really cause bunion deformities?

After having seen a great number of bunion feet (both women’s and men’s) that are not caused by wearing high-heel shoes, in cooperation with the HK Baptist University, a 2008 survey of over one thousand Chinese women was finally conducted to explore the prevalence and common causes of bunion deformity in Hong Kong.

The findings were 36.5% of surveyed had varying degrees of bunion deformity which was in line with international incidences of 33-50%. Within our bunion sub-group, 88% gave a positive family history and 83% denied much taste for high-heels. Further analysis revealed 74% of bunions were linked to family history alone and only 3% to high heels. In other words, family history could be 25 times as important as high heels in association to bunion development. (“Does Wearing High Heeled Shoes Cause Hallux Valgus? A survey on Chinese Females”, a scientific paper based on our findings has been accepted for publication in Foot and Ankle Online Journal.)

BY Dr. Daniel WU
Specialist in Orthopaedics

Reference: Pulse - Medical News
It is not intended as medical advice to any specific person. If you have any need for personal advice or have any questions regarding your health, please consult your Orthopedist for diagnosis and treatment.

2012年11月26日 星期一



1. 如何避免拇趾外翻繼續惡化







2. 如我有拇趾外翻家族歷史,有多大機會患上此病症





3. 何時需要考慮手術治療




參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/


傳統拇趾外翻手術: 截骨移位術


一直以來,拇趾外翻手術針對修正和穩定第一蹠骨,因它除了是拇趾外翻問題的根源以外,亦是其他足部問題如爪型趾、拇囊炎、尾趾囊腫、腳趾重疊甚至足 弓下塌等症狀的主因,如第一蹠骨問題能有效及正確地解決,患者原則上應可重新享受運動、跳舞和穿高跟鞋等正常活動。

這理想目標能否達成,手術的處理方式乃 其中關鍵所在,手術必須符合病理學的原理。



傳統拇趾外翻手術: 截骨移位術



American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons http://www.orthoinfo.aaos.org British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society http://www.bofas.org.uk/ 均提醒患者注意目前外科手術的局限性,因截骨手術仍未能一致地解決患者足部功能如鞋款或活動等限制。似乎截骨手術對患者術後功能恢復仍有不足之處。但事實上,若能配合正確的手術方式,情況未必真的如此。


參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/


2012年11月21日 星期三


特殊拇趾外翻情況 (#1067)這位女患者能於手術後可穿高跟鞋跳舞及拇趾能回復正常功能;是基於韌帶聯合術能把第一蹠骨在非破壞的情形下修正過來





參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com



2012年11月19日 星期一


中度拇趾外翻情況 (#1108)普遍認為,以中度拇趾外翻來說,截骨手術 (Chevron) 比非截骨手術 (McBride)更為有效。但吳醫生的韌帶聯合術不單能在非截骨的情形下改善外觀,還能更有效地恢復拇趾功能,這結果是根據超過三百個拇趾外翻的病例;並於手術前後進行足部的功能掃瞄測試而來。


嚴重拇趾外翻情況 (#1200)一直以來,當面對不同程度的拇趾外翻問題,需要以不同的截骨手術方式來處理,吳醫生韌帶聯合術由輕微至嚴重個案均可矯正及回復患者功能
參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com/

2012年11月13日 星期二






拇趾外翻導致腳趾重疊的案例 (#1186)
拇趾傾斜通常源於第一蹠骨偏離,吳醫生韌帶聯合術已經證實如第一趾骨能正確及有效地修正,並毋須破壞拇趾趾骨 (Akin’s procedure)



參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com



2012年11月12日 星期一





參考資料: www.bunioncenter.com
